The Alliteration

Nikolaus Neuser / trumpet, fluegelhorn, piccolo trumpet Manuel Miethe / soprano saxophone Floros Floridis / clarinet, bass clarinet Gerhard Gschlößl / trombone Antonis Anissegos / piano Akira Ando / double bass Maurice de Martin / drums, objects
"The Alliteration ist ein Septett mit luxuriösem Klang."
Michel Chevalier, Melodie & Rhythmus

"Gimmicky, in that that each of the seven track titles on the CD is alliterative as are the names of the seven performers, but The Alliteration band members prove their seriousness performing carefully balanced Jazz-based instant compositions. Such is the looseness that the seven bring to the interpretations though, that the polyphonic results relate as much to the free-for-all of a Dixieland party as the arch seriousness of Ascension."

Ken Waxman, Jazzword (April 2015)

“Recomended New Release”

Andrey Henkin, New York City Jazz Records 5/2015

“The Alliteration’s eponymous debut is a meta concept – I’m not sure if they chose the musicians based on their names, but it seems that it would be quite a feat to gamely gather these excellent Berlin based musicians with the cooperating qualities of sounds in their names otherwise: Nikolaus Neuser (trumpet), Manuel Miethe (soprano saxophone), Floros Floridis (clarinets), Gerhard Gschlössl (trombone), Antonis Anissegos (piano), Akira Ando (double bass) and Maurice de Martin (drums). The concept carries over to the song titles themselves: Aural Altitude, Being Between, Cypher Circle Song, Dark Diphthong, Equal Equals Equal, Fertile Fossils, and Gelbgold Gambit.

So, there is the bit of textual fun and then there is the music, which is a highly listenable collection of free improvisation that is entirely engrossing.”

Paul Acquaro, Freejazzblogg 14/12/2015